Saturday, 23 July 2016

Photography Workshop

A couple of weeks ago I went with my mum to a photography workshop to Bakewell in Derbyshire. I thought I would share with you what the day entailed and whether it was beneficial. The day before I found myself feeling quite apprehensive as to whether I would enjoy it. However I was pleasantly surprised by how it went.

The Morning

In the morning we met up with everyone and went through a lot of theory. The leader spent about two hours going through some of the things we needed to know in order to take better photos. She talked through things like aperture, depth of field and OIS.

Also it involved taking lots of pictures of the pens, water bottles and the back of people's heads (pretty much anything!).


After we had some lunch we set off into Bakewell to use some of the skills we had learned about in the morning. It was split into three sections:

First of all we took a lot of pictures of plants. This helped to get the aperture right depending on what you were taking. This was by far my favourite of the three, mainly because I sort of knew what I was doing. My first few photos weren't amazing, but after I got the hang of it they got better.

Panning was the second thing we did. Having a bridge camera I kind of expected to be pretty awful at this and to be honest I was! Seriously the number of photos I had to delete of cars going round a roundabout!

The final stop we made was do some motion shots. I definitely was better at taking pictures of water than the ducks!

Overall it was a lot of fun, I really felt that I learnt a lot and I am really glad that I went.

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