Hi Guys!
God it has been a while! To be honest I had intended to continue blogging throughout this semester, but as you can tell that has completely failed. This has by far been the busiest semester so far. It also seems to have gone so quickly, I can't believe i am nearly at the end of my second year of uni! To be honest I am still in the denial stage in terms of third year. I don't really want to admit that it exists. There is a part of me that is really happy that it is finally the Easter holidays, but there is another part of me that is cling onto this semester as I know how stressful third year will be.
To be honest this semester hasn't really been stressful just really busy! I had intended to get another part time job during this semester after finishing at Lakeland after Christmas. But to be honest the time that was taken up by part time work has been taken up by my work placement.
From the end of January I have been using my day off to work with careers at my uni as part of my work experience for one of my modules. This has by far been the best thing about this semester and has confirmed that it is definitely something that I want to pursue in the future. I only have too weeks of it left and to be honest I don't really want it to end.
Ever week there has been something different to do and this has really allowed me to see the different things that are involved in being a careers adviser. Also, when I think about it, I haven't completely abandoned blogging as I have been able to write blog posts about a lot of the different events and sessions that I have gone to during my placement.
Another reason that I haven't really been blogging over the last few months is because I haven't really been taking a lot of photos. To be honest my new years resolution hasn't really got off the best of starts. I really like photographing nature and if i'm honest there is only so many times I can take a picture of a bare tree with no leaves on!
However, now that everything seems to be brightening up I am making up for the months that I missed. The photos here are from when I went for a walk with Poppy (the dog) the other day. At the time I felt really guilty, because I felt as though I should have been doing work. But I am glad that I went as it was really nice to get a break from all of the portfolios and essays. I feel as though photography is really helping me to get out of the house and explore different places. These photos were taken relatively close to where I live and I feel as though photography really makes you look at the world in a new light as you try to work out what shots to take. Also watching Poppy being bewildered by a duck going in and out of her view was so funny to watch.
I definitely want to explore different places and I hope to do this during the summer, so watch this space! Also there will be a second year update. I intended to do one for first semester, but then things got really busy. So I will do one for the entire year.
Overall, I am glad that I had a break from blogging to allow myself to focus on my studies. However, I definitely did miss and can't wait to get back to it.
Thanks For Stopping By! :)